Yin Yoga for winter

Do you remember when we mentioned traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) when talking about energy meridians

Well, now let’s discover the 5 elements (or principles) that underlie this tradition.

According to TCM, in fact, the entire universe is regulated by the interaction of these elements, as well as the quality of Qi (vital energy) that flows in our meridians.

Through two cycles known as ‘generation‘ and ‘inhibition‘ cycle, these 5 principles are closely connected to each other, in turn also regulating the physiological and psychological aspects of human nature.

Water is linked to the winter season and the bladder and kidney meridians

It connects us to our ‘submerged’ part, where the ancestral energies that we already carry within us at the moment of birth live. It is the field ruled by the subconscious and by the family or social archetypes that we carry with us even before building our personal vision. 

The ability to accept and integrate lived experiences, as well as that of resistance to effort and stress are determined by this principle

Finally, water regulates our energy reserves and is responsible for health and longevity.

In our studio you can take care of your meridians’ health through Yin Yoga classes or targeted massages such as Gua-sha

Also in February don’t miss our Brand new event entirely dedicated to yin yoga for winter!

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