FEETUP: let’s learn to upside down!
Do you know what the Feetup is? It’s an object similar to a small stool with a wooden frame. Its top is covered by a soft padded cushion with an opening in the center for the head to pass through. …
Do you know what the Feetup is? It’s an object similar to a small stool with a wooden frame. Its top is covered by a soft padded cushion with an opening in the center for the head to pass through. …
Conosci il Feetup? È simile ad un piccolo sgabello con un telaio in legno, sulla cui sommità è posto un morbido cuscino imbottito avente un’apertura centrale in cui posizionare la testa. Il Feetup costituisce un valido strumento per allenare braccia,…