Belly Dance: here’s why you should try it!

You’d like to participate in one of our Reformer & Belly Dance events but don’t know what to expect from this dance?
Here’s why you should try it:
The original name of the wonderful dance we now know as Belly Dance is Raks Sharki.
It was born as a practice of female prerogative, and was rooted in religious cults linked to Mother Earth and the celebration of fertility.
Besides being extremely fascinating, this kind of dance has be proven to have many beneficial effects on our health.
First of all, its soothing but extremely cheerful rhythms inspire joy and serenity and provide a relaxed mental state.
On a more physical level, its rotational movements reshape the hips and stomach, and are extremely good for the shoulders’ flexibility. It also strengthens the obliques and the back muscular chain preventing lumbosacral, cervical and back pain.
Belly dance also trains the important muscles of the perineum, responsible for supporting our internal organs.
In short, it’s the perfect way to strengthen the body and become more flexible, but also improve coordination, blood circulation and with all that our heart’s health!
It’s definitely worth trying! Will you come to our next event?
Don’t miss our Pilates and Belly Dance workshops, you won’t regret it!