ABC yoga (english version)

If you have recently approached the world of yoga you will probably have found difficulty with the names of the Asanas (positions) during a class.
The poses are often called by their original name which is in the Sanskrit language and only with constant practice one will gradually memorize them.
However, there are certain repeatedly terms thatcan help you first identify what you are about to do.
Let’s look at some of them together:
Parivrtta: it indicates that the position involves a twist (parivrtta trikonasana, the inverted triangle, is a frequent example)
Urdhva: literally “upward“, refers to a position in which the affected body part is turned upwards (urdhva mukha svanasana, the upward-facing dog)
Adho: translated as “downward“, it means turning the face downwards (as in the classic downward facing dog, adho mukha svanasana)
Ardha: translated as “half“, it refers to a variant of the pose which involves a partial execution (for example ardha matsyendrasana, the half position of the Lord of the Fishes)
Eka pada: literally “one leg“, this expression accompanies many positions in which you use only one leg (think of the descent into chaturanga with only one leg in support which becomes eka pada chaturanga)
Sirsa: translated as “head” it implies the use of the head in a specific Asana (the headstand is called Sirsasana for example)
Padma: it means “lotus” and often implies a variant of another position with the addition of one or two legs in the padmasana position (for example Padma sirsasana, the headstand with lotus legs)
Hopefully this little guide will be very helpful in your Yogasana practice! See you in the studio!